Samridhi Garg
"Stree" is a horror-comedy based on the Indian urban legend of the Nale Ba witch, who knocks on doors at night and abducts men. The film combines chills with laughs and sets the stage for its highly anticipated sequel.
Inspired by Indian mythology and folklore, "Tumbbad" is a visually stunning horror film that delves into the legend of Hastar, a demon who should not be worshipped, and the curse surrounding his treasure.
"Pari" is a supernatural horror film that incorporates elements of Bengali folklore, particularly the concept of churels or vengeful female spirits. The film offers a dark and eerie narrative with compelling performances.
"Bulbbul" is a gothic horror film rooted in Bengali folklore, telling the story of a child bride who grows up to become a mysterious woman presiding over a village haunted by supernatural events.
Based on Indian folklore about witches known as "daayans," this horror thriller revolves around a magician who gets entangled in the dark secrets of his past involving a witch.