Toshi Gupta 

Blue-Ringed Octopus Is One Of The Most Unique Creature In The World 

It is one of the most poisonous animal in the world, for whose poison there is no antivenom yet.

Blue-Ringed Octopus

This poisonous blue-ringed octopus is actually found throughout Australia, including Tasmania.



Like other octopuses, the blue-ringed octopus has a short lifespan of about two years.

These octopuses are small in size and contain tetrodotoxin, a powerful neurotoxin.


 Is Tetrodotoxin Dangerous?

 It spreads rapidly in the body, due to which the muscles become weak and paralyzed. While people can die between 20 minutes and 24 hours after their entry into the body.

Octopus Bite

Another strange thing about the blue-ringed octopus is that people may not feel pain when bitten, so they might not realize they have been bitten.