Kritika Handa

Birds That Dance Like Peacocks

These seabirds strut with bright blue feet, a comical dance to attract mates.

Blue-footed Booby

Elegant pink birds perform synchronized dances, head-bobbing and wing-flapping.


These birds perform a unique dance with their bright red combs and wattles, strutting and bobbing their heads to attract mates.

Andean Rock Cock

Tiny Amazonian birds perform acrobatic leaps and spins, making clicking sounds with their wings.

Red-capped Manakin

A diverse group known for dazzling plumage and elaborate dances, like the King Bird of Paradise with its intricate head plumes.

Bird of Paradise

This bird of paradise raises and lowers its crown of feathers, performing intricate dances with wing-fluttering and head-bobbing.

Western Parotia