Blend coconut oil and a ripe banana together. Add a little bit of coconut milk and apply the mixture to the hair.
Mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder and 2 teaspoons of shikakai powder. Add water to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste to your scalp.
The lactic acid in yogurt provides moisture and prevents frizz in hair, making it a great homemade hair mask for frizzy hair.
Boil some olive oil, mix it with some raw aloe vera, and apply the mixture to your hair to make it shine.
Mix 1/2 cup oats, 2 tablespoons almond oil, and 1/2 cup milk. Thoroughly mix the components. Use it on your hair.
Fenugreek, also known as methi, is a kitchen ingredient mainly known for its ability to grow long hair.