Best 7 tips to help children to  follow the directions

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Grab their attention The first way to make them follow rules is  to grab their attention, for that, you have to say, “Look toward me, please. I need you to listen now.”

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Minimize distractions Kids get distracted easily, either they start playing or watching TV. To avoid such a situation, switch off the TV and ask them to put down the game or book.

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Speak quietly Give instructions in a steady, calm voice. When children don't have to consider the volume and tone of your voice, they may be able to concentrate more readily on the content of what you have to say.

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Use “wait time” After you speak or pose a question, there is a three to seven-second "wait time." According to studies, youngsters respond more appropriately to what you say when they give it time to sink in.

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Check for understanding It is helpful when your child repeats your  directions back to you in their own words because  it gives them a chance to ask questions and also a chance to clarify what you said in  case they misunderstood anything.

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Tell, don’t ask Many parents will ask their children to do something, such as "Would you kindly set the table?" Children might believe they have a choice regarding obeying instructions. Instead of asking your child to do anything, rephrase your request so that you are teaching them what to do: "Set the table, please."

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Give one instruction at a time Never give them more than one direction because  it can be stuck in their mind. Try to group things in ways that make sense.

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