Richa Singh

Benefits Of Eating Ridge Gourd During Summer

Anti-inflammatory effects

Ridge gourd may be used as a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance.

Allergy protection

It contains luffa extract has been found to provide relief from symptoms of sinusitis.

Weight loss

 Rich in dietary fiber, while extremely low in saturated fats which help in reducing weight loss.

Helps boost immunity

Ridge gourd is rich in vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and zinc content which help boost immunity.

Manages diabetes

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

The nutrients in Ridge Gourd, stimulate insulin activity and increase metabolism, which aids in controlling diabetes.

Protects heart health

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

It is a good source of potassium and magnesium, which are essential for a healthy heart.