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Barbie: 10 Basic Things You Should Before Hitting Theatre

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Her name is Barbara Millicent Roberts and only her friends call her 'Barbie.'

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Born on March 9, 1959, Barbie is a small town girl though she bags global fame.

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She has 6 siblings and one of them  eventually gone missing.

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Barbie's boyfriend Ken is two years  younger than her.

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Barbie had contested for President post thrice.

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She owns 40 pets, including dog, horses, ponies, cats, parrots and even chimpanzee, giraffe, lion cub and a panda.

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Barbie's wardrobe consists Gucci, Versace,  Vera Wang, Dolce & Gabbana, and Givenchy.

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At least one billion pairs of designer  shoes Barbie has.