Ayurvedic Sprout Sensations: 7 Delicious Ways to Boost Health

Saurav Gupta

Sprout Salad

Mix moong, chickpeas, and lentil sprouts with veggies, lemon, and cumin for a refreshing salad.

Sprouted Porridge

Cook wheat or barley sprouts into a nourishing porridge sweetened with jaggery or honey.

Sprout Wraps

Fill wraps with sprouts, colorful veggies, and Ayurvedic-friendly sauce for a light, energizing meal.

Ayurvedic Stir-Fry

Sauté sprouts with turmeric, ginger, and coriander for a vibrant, health-packed stir-fry.

Sprouted Dosa

Blend sprouts into a batter for savory dosas paired with Ayurvedic chutneys.

Ayurvedic Sprout Soup

Simmer sprouts with turmeric and cumin, adding seasonal veggies for a hearty soup.

Sprout Smoothie

Blend sprouts with fruits and Ayurvedic-friendly yogurt or plant-based milk for a nutrient-rich smoothie.