Avoid Keeping These 5 Plants In The Bedroom

Divya Pandey

Plant Home Decor

Plants enhance home decor, but Vastu and Feng Shui advise against certain plants in the bedroom.

Bedroom Aesthetic Plant 

Some plants can boost your bedroom's aesthetic and positivity, but others are thought to bring negativity.

Here are the plants you should avoid keeping in the bedroom.


Bonsai plants are miniature trees, and their stunted growth is thought to impede career progress and prosperity.

Cotton Plant

According to Vastu Shastra, the spikes on cotton plants can attract negativity and disrupt harmony.


These succulent plants have thorns that are said to disrupt sleep and foster negativity in relationships.

Weeping Fig

Weeping figs, with their tiny glossy leaves, are considered to bring negative energy into the house according to Feng Shui.