Astonishing Facts and Mysteries of Mount Kailash

Aman Trivedi

Impact Aging

Many hikers have described their hair and nails growing rapidly while climbing there, the changes which might take 2 weeks will happen within 12 hours while on the peak.

Abode Of Shiva

In Hinduism, it is believed that Mount Kailash is sacred above Lord Shiva and it is the spiritual centre of the world.

Unclimbed Mountain

You will be shocked to know that Mount Kailash remains an unclimbed mountain, and whenever tries all their effort goes in vain. It is considered too sacred to climb it.

Good and Evil Lakes

Close to Mount Kailash two lakes exist, Mansarovar known as the Good Lake which is freshwater, and Rakshas Lake or Evil Lake which is saltwater.

Mysterious Pyramid Shape

Mount Kailash's symmetrical pyramid shape has left researchers and travellers stunned for centuries, there's also a theory that it is a man-made structure and not a mountain.

Unknown Caves

Mount Kailash is believed to be dotted with uncountable caves, some of which are believed to be home to mystical beings and ancient scriptures.

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