Anime: Hard-hitting dialogs by Luffy D. Monkey

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“If I give up now, I’m going to regret it”

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 "If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future"

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 "I don’t wanna conquer anything. It’s just that the person with the most freedom on the sea is the pirate king"

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 "You want to keep everyone from dying? That’s naive.  Its war. People die"

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"Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal but it has already left a scar"

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"Dying is not repaying a debt! That is not what he saved you for! Only weak men would die after someone spared their lives!"

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"Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams!"

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"If you hurt somebody… or if somebody hurts you, the same red blood will be shed"