Anime: An Introduction of Seventh  Hokage Naruto Uzumaki 

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An orphanage 'It's not like someone's waiting for me at home,' said Naruto to Iruka which made us sympathise with him for the first time.

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Hokage Dream Naruto who was the dumbest in the classes always dreamt of becoming Hokage so people acknowledge him. 

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Nine-Tailed beast Everyone feared him because he had a nie-tails beasst inside him. The beast had once caused a  huge attack and killed many villagers, subject  Naruto to be hated. 

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Fatherly bond with Iruka sensei Naruto had Iruka sensei from the very beginning despite the fact that Iruka lost his parents to the attack made by Nine-tailed beast. 

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Team 7 Then comes Kakashi, famously known as The Copy Ninja. He was the one to bring Sasuke Uchicha, Sadkura Haruno and Naruto together. 

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A true friend of Sasuke Till the very end, Naruto did not loose the hope of Sasuke's redemption. Naruto stuck by Sasuke's side even when he was against the entire world and Naruto especially. 

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Ex-love Sakura Naruto loved Sakura but she didn't. Halfway of the series, Naruto seemed to froget Sakura and became real friends with her. 

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Hinata is love Seeing Hinata standing up against Pain for him turned him into a beast who can do whatever to save her love. Hinata was in love with Naruto since childhood. 

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To Be Continued...

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