Animated Films That Will Leave You Pleased



The story of a young girl named Moana sets her way to a daring mission to save her homeland and the people living there.

Kung Fu Panda

This animated film follows the bumbling Panda named Po who lives in the Valley of Peace and is a Kung-fu enthusiast.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

It is an animated superhero film starring the Marvel Comics character directed by Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, and Rodney Rothman.

The Boy and the Heron

The story follows a young boy aged 12 years and his struggles of settling in a new town after his mother's demise.


This American animated movie directed by Pete Docter centers on a 78-year-old man named Carl Fredricksen, a boy named Russell, and Kevin (a rare bird).


Elemental is a romantic comedy American animated film that revolves around the fire, water, air, and land living together under one roof.


This is a 2007 American animated movie that follows a young rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a great chef.