The story of a young girl named Moana sets her way to a daring mission to save her homeland and the people living there.
This animated film follows the bumbling Panda named Po who lives in the Valley of Peace and is a Kung-fu enthusiast.
It is an animated superhero film starring the Marvel Comics character directed by Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, and Rodney Rothman.
The story follows a young boy aged 12 years and his struggles of settling in a new town after his mother's demise.
This American animated movie directed by Pete Docter centers on a 78-year-old man named Carl Fredricksen, a boy named Russell, and Kevin (a rare bird).
Elemental is a romantic comedy American animated film that revolves around the fire, water, air, and land living together under one roof.
This is a 2007 American animated movie that follows a young rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a great chef.