Roaring Nightmares: Animals With The Most Terrifying Voices

Simran Rajpal


The lion's roar is incredibly powerful and can send chills down your spine, especially when heard at night in the darkness.

Howler Monkey

Despite their small size, howler monkeys produce some of the loudest calls in the animal kingdom, often reverberating through the jungle like a haunting roar.


Tigers may not roar as often as lions, but when they do, it's a deep and resonant sound that can instill fear.


Alligators emit a deep, rumbling bellow that can be quite startling, particularly when experienced up close.


The laughing calls of hyenas can be quite unsettling, especially when heard in a group during nighttime.


While gorillas are generally non-aggressive towards humans, their chest-beating displays and powerful vocalizations can be intimidating, especially in their natural habitat.


The eerie howl of a wolf can send shivers down your spine, especially when heard in a desolate and remote area.