Animals That Are Worshipped Across the Globe

Hawk (Ancient Egyptian)

The hawk, particularly the god Horus with a hawk's head, was revered in ancient Egyptian mythology and associated with the sky and divine kingship

Bull (Ancient Minoan Civilization)

In ancient Minoan civilization, bulls were associated with religious rituals and often depicted in frescoes and sculptures

Turtle (Chinese Mythology)

In Chinese mythology, the turtle is considered a symbol of longevity and stability. The Black Tortoise is one of the Four Symbols representing various aspects of East Asian cosmology

Fish (Christianity)

In Christianity, the fish is a symbol associated with Jesus Christ. The Greek word for fish, "Ichthys," is an acronym for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."

Monkey (Hinduism)

The monkey god Hanuman is worshipped in Hinduism. Hanuman is a central figure in the Indian epic Ramayana

Crocodile (Kukulkan in Mayan Culture)

The ancient Mayans revered Kukulkan, a feathered serpent god, often depicted as a snake or a crocodile

Cobra (Hinduism)

Snakes, particularly cobras, are associated with various Hindu deities. Nāga, the snake deity, is worshipped, and festivals like Nag Panchami are dedicated to snakes


Elephants are revered in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, the god Ganesha, depicted with an elephant head, is widely worshipped. In Buddhism, the elephant is a symbol of mental strength

Cow (Hinduism)

In Hinduism, the cow is considered sacred and is associated with several deities, particularly with the goddess Kamadhenu, a divine cow that grants wishes

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