Kritika Handa

⁠Animals And Associated Gods In Indian Mythology

Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, represents wisdom and remover of obstacles. Revered in Hinduism, he rides a mouse and symbolizes prosperity, learning, and success.

Elephants and Ganesha

Garuda, the mighty eagle, serves as Vishnu’s vehicle. Symbolizing strength and speed, Garuda protects Vishnu and represents the defeat of evil and the protection of dharma.

Garuda and Vishnu

Durga, the warrior goddess, rides a fierce tiger. The tiger symbolizes her power and aggression against demons, embodying courage, strength, and the triumph of good over evil.

Tigers and Durga

Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu, is closely associated with cows, symbolizing nourishment and abundance. His divine relationship with these animals represents pastoral life and divine care.

Cows and Krishna

Hanuman, the monkey god, embodies devotion, strength, and loyalty. As a symbol of courage and selfless service, he aids in the epic Ramayana, overcoming obstacles with his abilities.

Monkeys and Hanuman

Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, rides a swan. The swan represents purity and wisdom, highlighting Saraswati's role in guiding and inspiring the pursuit of knowledge and creativity.

Swans and Saraswati