Ancient Remedies: Medicines And Procedures Still Used Today



Hippocrates used willow bark for medicine in Ancient Greece. Today, aspirin, derived from willow, is widely used for pain, fever, heart attack, and several others. 


Suturing began in Ancient Egypt around 3000 BC, and modern sutures use materials like nylon and polypropylene.

Cataract Surgery

Sushruta described couching for cataract surgery in the 6th century BC. This method lasted until the mid-18th century. Modern surgeries use femtosecond lasers.


Morphine, from the poppy plant, has been used for 8,000 years. Despite the opioid crisis, morphine remains essential for severe pain.


Tracheostomy was uncommon until the 19th century. Today, it's used to bypass obstructions, clear secretions, and deliver oxygen.


Despite risks, bloodletting was popular until the 19th century and was later declined after research showed it might harm more than help, though it’s still used for some rare illnesses.

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