9 Superfoods That Helps Increase Calcium

Sesame Seeds

Packed with calcium, sesame seeds make a nutritious addition to your diet, promoting bone health and strength

Leafy Greens

Loaded with calcium and other essential nutrients, leafy greens are a powerhouse for bone density and overall well-being


Beyond being a good source of healthy fats, almonds contribute to your daily calcium intake, supporting bone health

Chia Seeds

These tiny seeds are rich in calcium and can be easily incorporated into various dishes, aiding in bone strength


Apart from being a vitamin C powerhouse, oranges provide calcium, supporting both immune health and bone density


High in calcium and other vital nutrients, broccoli is a versatile superfood that contributes to overall bone health

Greek Yogurt

Not just a protein source, Greek yogurt is also a significant supplier of calcium, promoting strong bones and teeth

Figs (Anjeer)

Besides their natural sweetness, figs offer a calcium boost, making them a delicious addition to a bone-friendly diet


Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and calcium, salmon is a superfood that supports bone health while providing heart-healthy benefits