9 Bizarre Walls Around The World

The Great Wall of Benin (Nigeria) Discover the mysterious remnants of the ancient walls of Benin City, once one of the longest structures ever built.

The Sacsayhuaman Wall (Peru) Marvel at the colossal stone walls of Sacsayhuaman, an Inca fortress near Cusco, with massive stones fitted together without mortar

Lennon Wall in Prague, Czech Republic The Lennon Wall or John Lennon Wall is a wall in Prague, Czech Republic. Since the 1980s, this once-typical wall has been filled with John Lennon–inspired graffiti, lyrics from Beatles' songs, and designs relating to local and global causes

Green Line "Walls", Cyprus The United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus is a demilitarized zone, patrolled by the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), that was established in 1964 and extended in 1974 after the ceasefire of 16 August 1974,

Belfast Peace Line, Belfast, Northern Ireland The peace lines or peace walls are a series of separation barriers in Northern Ireland that separate predominantly Irish republican or nationalist Catholic neighbourhoods from predominantly British loyalist

Vietnam War Memorial Wall, Washington D.C., US The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, commonly called the Vietnam Memorial, is a U.S. national memorial in Washington, D.C., honoring service members of the U.S. armed forces who served in the Vietnam War

Security Wall, West Bank, Israel The Israeli West Bank barrier, comprising the West Bank Wall and the West Bank fence,[1][2] is a separation barrier built by Israel along the Green Line

Storm King Wall, NY, US Andy Goldsworthy  created the Storm King Wall in Mountainville, New York in 1997

 Chewing Gum Wall, Seattle, US Andy Goldsworthy  created the Storm King Wall in Mountainville, New York in 1997

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