9 Oldest Nations In The World 


As one of the world's most ancient countries, Portugal's roots extend back to ancient times. Established in 1139 CE, it holds the distinction of being Europe's oldest nation


With a historical presence dating back millions of years, Ethiopia stands as one of the world's oldest nations. Notably, it avoided colonization, making it a unique African nation


The Indian subcontinent boasts a history of over 5000-6000 years, with the Vedic Civilisation marking its beginnings around 1500 BCE. Throughout centuries, various kingdoms governed India


Despite its small size, San Marino, founded in 301 CE within Italy's borders, holds the title of one of the world's oldest nations. It is known for possessing the world's oldest constitution, drafted in 1600 CE

San Marino

Renowned for its mythology and contributions to modern Western civilization, Greece has a deep historical imprint. Athens, credited with introducing the earliest form of democracy, is among its significant contributions


While Japan's history traces back to legends around 660 BCE, including the myth of its first king, the country's age may surpass common perceptions, hinting at an extensive historical timeline


Established in 782 BCE, Armenia is considered one of the world's oldest countries. Archaeological evidence, such as caves and stone inscriptions, suggests human habitation dating back to 90,000 BCE


With a culture dating back to the 6th millennium BCE, Egypt is one of the oldest known civilizations. Its writing system is the second oldest globally, predating many others


France's ancient history can be traced back to the fragmentation of Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire. In ancient times, it was divided into three regions
