9 Most Dangerous Reptiles In The World!

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Alligator Snapping Turtle These 2-foot-long turtles weigh more than many humans

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Reticulated Python This python can weight more than 350 pounds and reach lengths of 30 feet

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Fer-de-Lance Fer-de-lance, any of several extremely venomous snakes of the viper family

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Nile Crocodiles Nile crocodiles are the second-largest reptiles in the world

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Komodo Dragon These large land lizards from Indonesia have special serrated teeth

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Philippine cobra The Philippine cobra is called ulupong in Tagalog, carasaen in Ilocano

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Boomslang The boomslang is a large, highly venomous snake in the family Colubridae

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Crocodile Every year, 800 people are killed by crocodiles

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Black Mamba  The Philippine cobra is called ulupong in Tagalog, carasaen in Ilocano