9 Hottest Places In The World Where Animals Can't Survive

Lut Desert, Iran

Recorded one of the highest ground temperatures on Earth, the Lut Desert's extreme heat makes it challenging for many animals to survive

Death Valley, USA

Famous for its scorching temperatures, Death Valley in California is one of the hottest places globally, creating harsh conditions for wildlife

Dasht-e Kavir, Iran

Another Iranian desert, Dasht-e Kavir, experiences extreme heat, with temperatures often exceeding what many animals can endure

Tirat Zvi, Israel

Recorded one of the highest temperatures in Asia, Tirat Zvi faces intense heat, making it difficult for many animals to thrive

Kuwait City, Kuwait

With extremely high temperatures during the summer, Kuwait City poses challenges for wildlife due to the intense heat

Wadi Halfa, Sudan

Known for its scorching temperatures, Wadi Halfa experiences extreme heat that can be inhospitable for many species

Timbuktu, Mali

Timbuktu, situated in the Sahara Desert, faces blistering temperatures, creating a challenging environment for most animals

Bandar-e Mahshahr, Iran

This Iranian city experiences some of the highest temperatures globally, making it a harsh environment for many forms of wildlife

Turan Desert, Kazakhstan

The Turan Desert's extreme heat, coupled with arid conditions, poses significant challenges for animals trying to survive in this region

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