9 Foods With Almost Zero Calories 


In a world where calorie-conscious choices dominate, finding foods with almost zero calories can be a game-changer.


Refreshing cucumbers are composed mostly of water, making them extremely low in calories. 

Cucumbers (16 calories per 100g)

Known for its fibrous stalks, celery is one of the classic low-calorie vegetables.

Celery (16 calories per 100g)

Leafy greens, particularly varieties like iceberg lettuce, are incredibly low in calories.

Lettuce (5 calories per 100g)

Colourful additions to your plate, Radishes also boast a negligible calorie count.

Radishes (16 calories per 100g)

Packed with antioxidants like lycopene, tomatoes contribute to overall health while keeping calorie intake minimal.

Tomatoes (18 calories per 100g)

Zucchini is a great low calorie addition to dishes. Its mild flavour makes it suitable for most of the recipes

Zucchini (17 calories per 100g)

Leafy and nutrient-dense, spinach is remarkably low in calories. Spinach is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Spinach (23 calories per 100g)

Known for its health benefits, broccoli is a popular cruciferous vegetable. With a low-calorie profile, it provides a wealth of nutrients.

Broccoli (55 calories per 100g)

Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable that can be transformed into various low-calorie dishes.

Cauliflower (25 calories per 100g)