9 Countries Where You Can Drive With An Indian Driving License


The United States of America permits the utilization of an Indian driver's license on its roads for a duration of one year from the date of entry into the country.

United States of America

In Australia, Indian driving licenses are accepted in regions like New South Wales, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory for 1 year.


Canadian regulations allow Indian citizens to drive with their Indian driving license for up to 60 days.


Indian driving licenses are recognized in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland for a duration of one year from the date of entry in UK.

United Kingdom

In New Zealand, Indian driving licenses are valid for one year, after which acquiring either an NZ driver’s license or an international driving permit is required.

New Zealand

Switzerland permits Indian driving license holders to drive within the country for a period of one year.


Germany accepts Indian driving licenses but only for a period of six months.


In France, Indian driver's licenses are valid for up to one year, but they must be translated into French to be accepted.


In South Africa, the validity of an Indian driving license extends for a period of one year.

South Africa