9 best highest mountain peaks in India

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Kanchenjunga – 8586 m Kanchenjunga, the third-highest mountain in the world and the highest mountain peak in India rises to a height of 8,586 metres in the Kanchenjunga Himal region of the Himalayas. The Teesta River borders it on the east, the Lhonak Chu and Jongsang La on the north, and the Tamur River on the west.

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Mt. Nanda Devi – 7816 m The second-highest mountain peak in India and the highest mountain peak located fully within the country is Mount Nanda Devi. With a height of 7,816 m, it ranks as the 23rd tallest summit in the world.

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Mt. Kamet – 7756 m After Nanda Devi, Mt. Kamet is the second-highest mountain in the Garhwal region, rising to a height of 7,756 m. Kamet, which is close to the Tibetan plateau, is less reachable than some other Himalayan summits.

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Saltoro Kangri I – 7742 m Saltoro Kangri, the name for the twin peaks Saltoro Kangri I and Saltoro Kangri II, of which Saltoro Kangri I is higher, and the 31st highest mountain in the world, is the highest peak of the Saltoro Mountains in the Karakoram range. It is situated in the Siachen region, which is under Indian administration and has had plenty of strife and violence over the past few decades.

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Saser Kangri I -7672 m Saser Kangri, the tallest peak of the Saser Muztagh, the Karakoram range's easternmost subrange, is situated in Ladakh. It is a massif made up of six named peaks, the largest of which, Saser Kangri I, rises to a height of 7,672 m. The Indo-Tibetan border police summited it for the first time in 1973.

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Mamostong Kangri – 7516 m Mamostong Kangri, also known as K35, is about 30 km to the east-southeast of the Siachen Glacier and is the highest mountain in the Rimo Muztagh region of the Karakoram range in Ladakh. Mamostong is not as frequently visited as other tallest mountains in India due to the political climate and the presence of the military.

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Saser Kangri II – 7513 m Saser Kangri II, the second-highest summit of the Saser Kangri massif, rises to a height of 7513 m, about one hundred metres below Saser Kangri I. An Indo-Japanese team made the first ascent in 1984.

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Saser Kangri III – 7495 m Saser Kangri III is the third highest peak in the Saser Kangri massif, rising to a height of 7495 metres, or nearly as high as Saser Kangri II. In 1986, members of the Indo-Tibetan border police made the first ascent.

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Jongsong Peak – 7462 m Jongsong peak, a mountain in the Janak region of the Himalayas, is situated at the intersection of India, Nepal, and China. It was the highest summit ever reached when it was first ascended in 1930 by a German expedition under the direction of Gunther Dyhrenfurth.