8 Pet Rabbit breeds in India 

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These breeds have long, erect ears and short necks. Short, smooth fur that is extremely dense and Rexes generally have rounded backs with well-developed shoulders. They can be found in a variety of colours. Their lifespan is 5-7 years. 

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Mini Rexes

Holland Lop is very energetic,  active, and friendly. They have large  floppy ears with medium-length fur in  broken or solid colouring.  Their lifespan is 7-14 years. 

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Holland Lop

Holland Lop is very energetic,  active, and friendly. They have large  floppy ears with medium-length fur in  broken or solid colouring.  Their lifespan is 7-14 years. 

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They can be gentle and docile. These breeds rarely bite or kick. Jersey can be small, with short ears and very small bodies. Their heads are distinctly square and bold, giving them a unique look. The fur is long and woolly. Their lifespan is 7-10 years.

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Jersey Wooly

They are energetic, affectionate, and love to play. Love to be picked up and handled. Their lifespan is 7-10 years. They can be found in distinctive flyaway coats, with particularly long and unruly fur around their head and rear. 

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They are energetic, affectionate, and love to play. Love to be picked up and handled. Their lifespan is 7-10 years. They can be found in distinctive flyaway coats, with particularly long and unruly fur around their head and rear. 

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They are extremely small rabbits with  short, small ears. Their nature is shy  and skittish but generally friendly.  Their lifespan is 10-12 years. They  need open space and regular exercise. 

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Netherland Dwarf

These are very small breeds with  small, upright ears. They have a  very distinctive all-white coat with dark  spots around the eyes. Their lifespan is  7-10 years. They are very friendly  and need frequent human interaction. 

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Dwarf Hotot