Located in a picturesque rural village on Jeju Island, surrounded by lush greenery and a tranquil ocean, this series delights with its serene environment.
Set in the charming seaside village of Gongjin (Pohang), this drama captivates with its stunning ocean views and quaint streets.
Showcases diverse locations from Switzerland's lush countryside to Mongolia's picturesque landscapes, adding depth and visual appeal to this romance.
Also set on Jeju Island, known for its natural beauty, this drama features scenic beaches, volcanic landscapes, and picturesque villages.
Set against Seoul's vibrant cityscape, featuring iconic landmarks and bustling neighborhoods, with parts filmed in Germany, adding a European flair.
Highlights both urban and coastal settings, from Seoul's bustling streets to Spain's tranquil seasides, offering a visual treat.
Renowned for visually stunning scenes filmed in Quebec, Canada, and historical sites in Korea, adding a magical touch to this fantasy romance.
Takes place in a serene coastal town in South Korea, offering peaceful beaches and charming local scenery, aligning with the drama's reflective themes.