8 Items You Should Never Heat In Microwave

Rishika Baranwal

Microwave Safety Essentials

Microwaves are incredibly convenient, but not everything can go inside. Here are eight things you should never microwave.


Sparks and fire hazards - avoid metal pans, foil, or utensils.

Non-Microwave-Safe Plastic

Can release harmful chemicals so always check labels.


Melts and releases toxic fumes, therefore, use microwave-safe containers.

Paper Bags

Fire risk, use microwave-safe popcorn bags.

Eggs in Shell

Explode due to steam buildup, hence, crack open before microwaving.

Hot Peppers

It release irritating capsaicin so cook using traditional methods.

Frozen Meat in Packaging

Leads to uneven cooking, thaw in the fridge or under cold water.

Sealed Containers

Can explode from pressure so loosen lids or remove seals.

Keep Your Microwave Use Safe

Follow these tips to keep your microwave use safe and efficient!