8 Home Remedies for  Acid Reflux or Heartburn

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Eat a ripe banana The high potassium content of a banana makes it a fairly alkaline food. This means it may help counteract the stomach acid irritating your esophagus.

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Chew sugar-free gum Chewing gum increases saliva production. This works to help reduce heartburn.

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 Resist the urge to overeat or eat quickly When it comes to preventing heartburn, watching portion sizes at meals can go a long way.

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 Wear loose-fitting clothing Tight-fitting clothing or belts may squeeze your belly may be contributing to your symptoms.

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Stop smoking Quitting smoking can reduce the frequency and severity of acid reflux.

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Reduce stress Taking steps to reduce stress may help prevent or ease the effects of acid reflux and heartburn.

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 Adjust your sleep position Sleeping on your left side is thought to aid digestion and may work to limit stomach acid reflux.

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Avoid late meals, snacking before bed Avoid eating within 3 hours of your  bedtime so your stomach has plenty  of time to empty.

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