8 Common snake breeds  kept as pets

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Red Tail Boa A kind of boa constrictor, the red-tail boa is regularly seen in the pet trade. 

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Kenyan Sand Boa They are beautifully colored with  yellow and brown patterns.

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Ball Python Arguably the most popular pet snake there is, the ball python is a very  even-tempered, docile snake.

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Burmese Python Burmese are usually pretty docile but a little more active than your smaller ball python.

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Green Tree Python Arboreal snakes add a little more interest to a typical snake enclosure.

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King Snake They got their name from the fact that they will readily eat other snakes so they should definitely be housed alone. 

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Milk Snake Milk snake is most commonly seen in the pet trade closely mimics the color patterns of the venomous coral snake (known as Batesian mimicry). 

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Corn Snake They aren't known to be biters and are pretty docile snakes.

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