7 Types Of Tea You Must Try


Green tea has less caffeine than black tea and it is unoxidised.

Green Tea

Matcha tea is made from ground green tea leaves to form a powdery substance and then the powder is mixed in hot water to make tea. 

Matcha Tea

White tea has less caffeine, it is made from Camellia sinensis plant which is only found in the Fujian province. 

White Tea

Oolong tea is also known as Wulong tea is semi-oxidized and depending on the oxidation level the flavours can range from light and aromatic to dark and rich. 

Oolong Tea 

Black tea which is also known as red tea in China is fully oxidised and is also the most popular tea flavour in the world. 

Black Tea

This tea is not extracted from leaves but is made from dried fruits, flowers and herbs. 

Herbal Tea

Roobios tea is also known as African Red Tea which is an herbal tea made from the South African red bush.

Rooibos Tea