7 Star Fruit Dishes to Delight Your Palate


These skewers are a fun and easy way to enjoy star fruit.  Star fruit is cut into chunks and threaded onto skewers with other fruits, such as pineapple and mango.  They can be grilled or baked

Starfruit Skewers

This jam is a great way to preserve star fruit.  The star fruit is cooked with sugar and pectin until it thickens.  It's delicious on toast or biscuits

Starfruit Jam

This pie is a delicious way to use up ripe star fruit.  The star fruit is sliced and arranged in a pie crust, then topped with a sugar and cornstarch filling.

Starfruit Pie

This flavorful curry is made with star fruit, coconut milk, curry paste, and your favorite vegetables.  It's a delicious and healthy meal that's easy to make

Starfruit Curry

This refreshing drink is perfect for a hot day.  Star fruit is blended with water, sugar, and lime juice

Starfruit Agua Fresca

This salsa is a great addition to fish tacos, grilled chicken, or just for scooping up with chips

Spicy Starfruit Salsa

This refreshing salad is a perfect way to showcase the star fruit's flavor.  Thinly sliced star fruit is tossed with mixed greens, red onion, cucumber, and a light honey lime dressing

Starfruit Salad with Honey Lime Dressing