7 Soothing Shorba Recipes


Chicken Shorba

Chicken Shorba features succulent chicken simmered with aromatic spices and vegetables, creating a healthful dish.

Vegetable Shorba

Vegetable Shorba combines seasonal vegetables in a flavorful broth, resulting in a nourishing addition to any meal.

Lentil Shorba

A hearty blend of lentils, tomatoes, and spices makes Lentil Shorba a healthy and filling meal!

Tomato Shorba

Tomato Shorba, with a traditional twist, cooks tangy tomatoes with garlic, ginger, and spices, similar to tomato soup.

Mutton Shorba

Mutton Shorba offers succulent pieces of mutton cooked with traditional Indian spices, providing an invigorating recipe.

Spinach Shorba

Spinach Shorba blends nutrient-packed spinach into a velvety soup, perfect for chilly winters.

Carrot Shorba

Carrot Shorba combines sweet carrots with warming spices for a comforting and nutritious stew option.