7 Signs Your Mars Is Weak


Weak Mars may lead to issues with physical stamina, manifesting as low energy levels and lack of enthusiasm for physical activities

Issues with Physical Stamina

Lack of direction and focus is common with a weak Mars, making it hard to find life goals and stick to them

Lack of Direction and Focus

Weak Mars increases the propensity for accidents and injuries, requiring precautions during physical activities

Accidents and Injuries

Weak Mars can cause difficulty in managing anger, resulting in outbursts or passive-aggressive behavior.

Difficulty Managing Anger

Low self-esteem and assertiveness stem from a weak Mars, making it hard to stand up for oneself or express needs.

Low Self-Esteem and Assertiveness

Difficulty in setting boundaries results from a weak Mars, leading to feelings of resentment and being taken advantage of.

Difficulty  In Setting Boundaries

 Weak Mars leads to lack of motivation and initiative, making commitments and starting projects challenging.

Lack of Motivation and Initiative