7 Signs That Your Blood Sugar Is Out Of Control


Polyuria, or excessive urine, is the result of an accumulation of glucose in the blood, which causes your kidneys to work harder to eliminate the excess glucose.

Being Extra Thirsty and Having to Urinate More Than Usual

If your blood sugar levels are too high, you can be losing weight even though you're eating more.

You’re Hungrier Than Usual but Losing Weight

Excessive fatigue and exhaustion are signs of blood sugar instability.

You Feel Tiredness and Fatigue Constantly

Fluid leakage into your eyes might cause puffy lenses if your blood sugar is too high.

You Have Noticeably Blurry Vision and Frequent Headaches

Uncontrolled blood sugar causes wounds such as cuts, scratches, bruises, and other wounds to heal more slowly.

You Develop Sores That Tend to Heal More Slowly Than Usual

Diabetic neuropathy, another name for nerve damage brought on by uncontrolled blood sugar, can occur. You can have tingling or even numbness in your feet and hands.

You Notice Tingling and Numbness in Your Hands or Feet

Skin tags, or little bits of excess skin, can develop in skin creases, particularly if you have diabetes and are looking for ways to control your weight.

You’re Developing Blisters, Dryness, or Other Skin Changes