Simran Rajpal

7 Reasons Why Handwritten Notes Are Best 


Handwritten notes feel more personal. You can add diagrams, sketches, or highlight key information, making them more meaningful and memorable.

Better Memory

Writing by hand activates multiple senses sight, touch, and sound which strengthens memory

Better Organization

Handwriting gives you the flexibility to organize information in any format that works best for you.

Improved Focus

Writing by hand reduces distractions from digital notifications, helping you stay focused.

Handwriting demands active involvement with the material. Unlike typing, which can become passive, writing makes you think more deeply, helping you understand and absorb information better.

Deeper Engagement

Reduced Burnout

Handwriting offers a break from screens, reducing eye strain and fatigue. It gives your mind and body a rest from digital overload.

Boosted Creativity

Handwritten notes allow for more creativity than typing. You can structure information in your own way, discover patterns, and connect ideas that might not be as obvious when typing. 

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