7 Rare Trees In India


Agarwood, prized for its fragrant resin used in perfumery and medicine, is found in various parts of India.


Indian Rosewood, valued for its dense, dark-colored wood used in furniture and musical instruments, is native to the Indian subcontinent.

Indian Rosewood

Kahaani 2

Mangrove Apple, a saline-adapted mangrove tree crucial for coastal ecosystems, thrives in the Sundarbans delta region of India.

Mangrove Apple

Baobab, recognized for its swollen trunk, is found in parts of India such as Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, and is also native to Africa.


Poomaram, a fast-growing tree with lightweight, durable timber, is native to South and Southeast Asia, including India


The Ceylon Oak, a deciduous tree found in the Western Ghats and Eastern Himalayas, is utilized for lacquer production

Ceylon Oak

Dragon Blood Tree, renowned for its distinctive umbrella shape and crimson resin, is discovered in the Socotra archipelago and various regions of India

Dragon Blood Tree