7 Popular Momos You Should Not Miss

Rishika Baranwal

Varieties You Must Try

Momos, the beloved Himalayan dumplings, have become a street food sensation in India. Here are seven popular types you shouldn’t miss.

Steamed Chicken Momos

Juicy minced chicken with ginger and garlic, steamed to perfection and served with spicy red chutney.

Paneer Momos

Filled with crumbled paneer and spices, these vegetarian delights are perfect with tangy tomato sauce.

Jhol Momos

Nepalese momos served in a spicy, tangy broth, adding a unique twist to the steamed variety.

Tandoori Momos

Marinated in yogurt and spices, then roasted in a tandoor. These smoky momos are best with mint chutney.

Cheese Corn Momos

Creamy cheese and sweet corn filling, mild yet irresistibly delicious, perfect for any time of day.

Pork Momos

Savory minced pork momos, best enjoyed with a spicy chili sauce for an extra kick.

Chocolate Momos

Dessert momos filled with melted chocolate and nuts, steamed or fried, and drizzled with chocolate sauce.

A Culinary Adventure

From classic steamed to innovative fusions, these seven momo varieties offer a delightful culinary adventure.