7 Popular Indian Foods From Other Countries

Simran Rajpal

Paneer is prepared by curdling milk with acidic chemicals such as lemon juice or vinegar, resulting in a fresh and mild cheese.


The journey of the samosa from the Middle East to India symbolizes the historical trade routes and cultural exchanges that have increased Indian cuisine's diversity.


Tomatoes, a common element in Indian cuisine, have their origins in South America. Tomatoes have permeated numerous parts of Indian culinary culture, from the basis of curries to the freshness of chutneys.


The term "curry" originated in Tamil Nadu, India, from the word "kari," which means sauce or relish. But in actual it was British who popularised this term.


Chilies, which originated in the Americas, provide the spicy spice that characterizes many Indian recipes. Chilies were introduced to India by Portuguese traders and rapidly became an essential component of Indian cuisine.


Paneer is prepared by curdling milk with acidic chemicals such as lemon juice or vinegar, resulting in a fresh and mild cheese.


Potatoes, which are currently widely used in Indian cuisine, have a South American origin. Potatoes were introduced to India during the colonial era and quickly became an important ingredient in a variety of regional cuisines.
