7 Popular American Foods Forbidden Abroad


Linked to skin irritation, memory loss, and headaches, these sodas, containing brominated vegetable oil (BVO), face bans in the European Union and Japan

Citrus Sodas

Some US cereals contain butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), linked to kidney and thyroid issues

Breakfast Cereals

Popular in the US but banned in the UK and Switzerland due to the presence of red 40, a prohibited dye

Maraschino Cherries

Some European nations prohibit this creamer due to its high trans-fat levels, impacting cholesterol

Coffee Mate Creamer

Popular in the US but banned in the UK, Europe, and Japan due to the presence of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)

Wheat Thins

Containing astaxanthin for its color, farmed salmon in the US faces bans in Australia and New Zealand due to health concerns

Farmed Salmon

A favored sports drink in the US but banned in Europe and Japan, reasons undisclosed
