7 Nocturnal Animals Across The World


Fennec Fox

The fennec fox is a small fox species found in the deserts of North Africa and is well-adapted to its nocturnal lifestyle.


Owls are birds of prey known for their nocturnal habits and they have keen senses, including exceptional night vision and hearing.


Bats are mammals that are primarily nocturnal and are the only mammals capable of sustained flight and use echolocation to navigate and hunt


Many species of lemurs, found only on the island of Madagascar, are nocturnal. These primates have large, reflective eyes and specialized adaptations for navigating in the dark.


Most sloth species are primarily active during the day, some, such as the pygmy three-toed sloth and Linnaeu's two-toes sloth are known to be more active at night.


Raccoons are mammals known for their distinctive facial markings and dexterous front paws and are primarily nocturnal.


Found in Southeast Asia, Tarsiers are known for their large eyes and unique hunting abilities. They have excellent night vision.

Non-Aquatic Animals With Great Breath-Holding Abilities