7 Must-Watch Philosophical Movies7 Must-Watch Philosophical MoviesANIKET RAJIt revolves around a middle-aged intellectual who tries to negotiate with God to prevent an imminent nuclear catastropheThe SacrificeIt delves into themes of religion and mysticism, following a mathematician's obsession with discovering complete order in the world.PiIt portrays a traveling circus that tours small villages in Kerala. The film beautifully captures the transient blend of melancholy and joyThampuIt follows a young man as he journeys through dreamlike realities, engaging in philosophical discussionsWaking LifeThe story follows a group of people seeking cursed wealth from the shrine, resulting in catastrophic consequenceTumbbadIt delves into the complexities of human consciousness and self-destruction. It depicts the emotional turmoil of a hangmanNizhalkuthuIt follows the journey of a man playing a game of chess with the personification of death, who has come to claim his life.The Seventh Seal