7 Must-See Modern Noir Movies from Hollywood


It mesmerizes audiences with its enigmatic narrative, leaving viewers captivated by the vivid portrayal of Los Angeles

Mulholland Drive

Directed by Sam Mendes, takes audiences on a journey to 1930s Chicago

Road to Perdition

The camera explores the atmosphere of 1960s and 1970s San Francisco, where an unidentified serial killer instills fear in the community.


It adapts Cormac McCarthy's novel, portraying a dark and sprawling narrative about a literal bag of money

No Country for Old Men

Moody neon lights illuminate the world of string reporting and crime journalism in Los Angeles.


Shane Black skillfully blended comedy and mystery in a 70s Los Angeles noir

The Nice Guys

Matt Reeves reinvented the Batman narrative by embracing the visual aesthetic of a detective drama

The Batman