7 Most Poisonous Fruits In The World


The yellow star fruit is harmful to those who have kidney problems due to its high oxalates content.

Yellow Star Fruit

You will feel sick to your stomach and have terrible pain if you eat the bark, leaves, roots, and unripe berries.


Eating a lot of these leaves can lead to a variety of health issues, including nausea, severe breathing difficulties, stomach aches, and eventually death.


This tree might look like an apple tree, but it produces a deadly toxin in its fruits and leaves that can inflict a tremendous deal of agony.


Although the plant's orange-colored berries may seem appetizing, they are extremely poisonous and should never be consumed.

Sea Buckthorn Berries

Although this kind of shrub is thought to be too toxic for people to consume, it might be useful for wildlife as food. More than 48 kinds of birds and tiny mammals alike devour the vivid crimson fruit.


There is a substance called amygdalin present in the seeds, commonly referred to as pits. When this chemical is consumed, it decomposes into the poisonous hydrogen cyanide.
