7 Most Intelligent Talking Birds In The World


The grey parrot is known as the most intelligent talking parrot globally.

Grey Parrot

These intelligent birds enjoy singing and excel in mimicking various voices and vocal patterns.

Yellow Naped Amazon

Common hill mynas showcase high intelligence and possess the ability to mimic voices with diverse pitches and tones.


These birds are small in size, but Budgerigars exhibit remarkable intelligence and are highly vocal.


Hailing from South America, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago, this parrot is renowned for its intelligence and is distinguished by its blue feathers.

Blue Fronted Amazon

Recognized as Monk Parrots, they are known for their cleverness, sociability, and expansive vocabulary.

Yellow Crowned Amazon

These parrots are indigenous to tropical South America and are characterized by their intelligence, social nature, and extensive vocabulary.

Monk Parakeet