7 Most Iconic Female Characters in the Marvel Universe


Sue Storm, or the Invisible Woman, is a core member of the Fantastic Four. Her abilities to become invisible and generate force fields, combined with her role as a wife and mother, add depth to her character.

Sue Storm (Invisible Woman)

Kamala Khan, the new Ms. Marvel, is a teenage superhero with shape-shifting abilities. As Marvel's first Muslim character to headline her own comic book, Kamala represents diversity and modern-day heroism.

Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

Gamora, raised as an assassin by Thanos, undergoes a journey of redemption and heroism as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy


Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, is a skilled spy and combatant with a complex backstory. As a founding member of the Avengers in the MCU, her character explores themes of redemption and loyalty.

Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)

Carol Danvers, or Captain Marvel, is a symbol of strength and leadership in the Marvel universe. Her journey from an Air Force pilot to a cosmic-powered superhero showcases resilience and heroism.

Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

Tight braids close to the scalp, often in intricate patterns.


Jean Grey, also known as Phoenix, is a central figure in the X-Men universe. Her struggle with the Phoenix Force and her evolution from a young mutant to a being of immense power make her one of Marvel's most complex and iconic characters.

Jean Grey (Phoenix)