7 Most Followed Sports In The World


Sports has been an integral part of the world. Here are the top 7 followed sports in the world

Global Sports

With America's NBA being a fan favourite across the world, Basketball takes the 7th spot in terms of its fans with over 800 million people following the sport

7. Basketball

A surprising presence in the Top 7, Table Tennis makes the 6th spot with over 850 million people following the sport.

6. Table Tennis

Another sport which was not expected to make the cut is Volleyball with the sport getting over 900 Million fans in Europe, Australia, Asia and America.

5. Volleyball

Lawn Tennis has a significant amount of fan following all over the world. The sport has over 1 Billion fans, mostly in Europe, Asia and America.

4. Tennis

Considered as one of the most challenging sports, Hockey has over 2 Billion fans all over the world.

3. Hockey

Despite of the sport being played in less than 20 countries, cricket takes the runner-up spot with an impressive 2.5 Billion fans worldwide.

2. Cricket

Played almost in every country, football is the most followed sport in the world with 3.5 Billion fans.

1. Football