7 Most Expensive Sports In The World 


The Pentathlon encompasses 5 different sports—fencing, swimming, jumping, pistol shooting, and running—requiring significant investment in gear and preparation.


Formula 1 racing stands out as one of the most expensive sports globally. Even the smallest teams in the competition have cars worth approximately $2 million each

Formula 1

Bobsledding demands expensive equipment, with bobsleds alone costing up to $100,000


Competing in hot air balloon racing is also a pricey pursuit, with significant expenses for training and purchasing the balloon itself, which can cost around $16,720.

Hot Air Balloon Racing

Golf, while a popular recreational activity, is renowned for its high costs, particularly at exclusive country clubs where membership fees can soar into the thousands.


Equestrian sports requires big investments, from training and maintaining horses to travel expenses. Participating in international equestrian events can cost over $200,000 annually.


The Whitianga Festival of Sports in New Zealand stands out as the most expensive sport in the world, featuring races involving helicopters, vehicles, powerboats, jet skis etc.

Whitianga Festival of Sports

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