7 Most Expensive Foods Found in India

Rishika Baranwal

India's Gourmet Treasures

India is home to some of the world's most luxurious and expensive foods. Here are seven opulent delicacies found in the country.

Kashmiri Saffron

Known as "red gold," this spice can cost up to INR 3,00,000 per kilogram due to its unique flavor and medicinal properties.

Black Diamond Apples

Grown in Arunachal Pradesh, these rare apples can fetch up to INR 50,000 per kilogram for their unique dark purple hue and sweet taste.

Wild Assam Tea

This rare tea can cost up to INR 1,00,000 per kilogram, prized for its rich, robust flavor and health benefits.

Alphonso Mangoes

Known as the "King of Mangoes," Alphonso mangoes from Ratnagiri can sell for INR 3,000 per dozen during peak season.

Shahi Litchi

From Muzaffarpur, these litchis can cost around INR 600-800 per kilogram, celebrated for their succulent taste and unique aroma.

Malabar Civet Coffee

Produced using beans eaten and excreted by civet cats, this coffee can cost up to INR 20,000 per kilogram for its distinct flavor.

Basmati Rice

India's premium Basmati rice, especially aged varieties, can fetch up to INR 1,000 per kilogram for its long grains and exquisite aroma.

Culinary Opulence

These seven gourmet treasures showcase India's rich culinary heritage and diverse agricultural bounty.