7 Most Bizarre Traditions In India


The festival is actually modeled on the more widely seen Gangaur celebration, which begins on the first day of Chaitra after the widely observed Holi.

Dhinga Gavar

Most of the nation observes the holiday with the customary fast and prayers. However, in certain areas, devotees are observed giving milk and occasionally even rats to snakes.

Nag Panchami

Mangliks are viewed negatively by those they marry. So they are forced to marry an animal, usually a dog or a goat, in order to escape the horrible fate that their spouses would have to bear.

Marriage with dogs and other animals

This contentious ceremony occurred in Solapur in Maharashtra, with parents dropping their babies from a tower onto a sheet that is held by villagers.

Baby Throwing or Dropping

It commemorates Kartikeya's acquisition of his celestial lance, which allowed him to decimate Tarakasura's army, the demon king. To recognize a feat so tremendous, the parties are intense as well.


Aghori monks can be seen at cemeteries during this celebration, their bodies covered in the ashes of the deceased.

Cannibalism among the Aghori

In remembrance of the tale, men from Nandgaon, the village where Krishna was nurtured, travel to Barsana to participate in the festival of colors, Lath mar Holi.

Lath mar Holi